Selasa, 06 Desember 2016


Assalamualaikum wr .wb....
dear miss dini and friend i loved
first of all, let us pray grattude to the Allah SWT which has been give the opportunity for face to face todayon this happy day.Shalawat and greeting so not forget we pray to our great prohet Muhammad SAW ,who has guided us to he right path.
On this occasion ,i'ii give a speech about "forest gave me oxygen"
Indonesia is a tropical region whith is overgrown by jungle.And forest in indonesia become very important for the life of the world ,because it is the world's lung,because most of the oxygen in indonesia forest biggest developing countries and other developed countries.
Many overgrown forest of green trees provide a cool atmosphere and be lot of beauty for people who can manage forests wisely.
But the opposite hapened developments,began felled forests and do encroachment,so that te funcion of forest turned into plantations or agricultural area.Advance many perennials are planted with woud hundreds of years old and create shade and the air cleaner for filtering CO2by forest plants ,but since the destruction of forest changed into agricaltural land,plantations ,and also construction of residential areas,so the abllity to absorb water is reduced so that in some places frequent floods and landslide.
The amount of deforestation that occars everywhere,plus pollution air pollution posed by vehide motor vehicles and industry resulted in global warning which means the resulting everage temperature of the atmosphere ,ocean and land.
Therefore very poor forest conditions this,we can't easily again feel the oxygen fresh provided by plants that is in the forest.Let the government and communities together to work together to heal the forest of indonesia's prolonged illness.Implementing various greening program ,where one tree taken benefits should immediately replaced with 1000 or 1 bilion tree replacement,so that the forest does not become bald and barren.
And the replacement of the trees jungle that has been cat down not completely soltisfied with the greening.Because of the trees jungle grown reguire a long time to grow into a large.So greening should be carried at all times and planting along the trees in the forest shall be preserved.
For that let us narture our self -awareness to be able to play an active role in conserving our forest ,Forest indonesia .And implementation of reforestation starting from the family as the smallest community to participate by planting a garden environment around hid home and whit the coming together of all family members with one another to create an atmosphere that is green and cool throught the greening movement.And for the indonesia goverment,cut logging license and more movement greening barren land,so as to create a beautiful forest ,clean and can give and provide oxygen for our children and grand children later.

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